July 13, 2012

High-Protein, Low-Calorie Oatmeal

I made this this morning as part of my new diet. I'm trying to cut back significantly on calories, but increase my protein intake. After some experimentation, I perfected this delicious recipe. It's kid-aproved! The munchkins enjoyed it garnished with sliced banana and raisins (for an extra 100 calories, but hey, they're kids). But it's equally delicious plain

Serves 3, 1-cup servings. Each serving has only 113 calories, and 9 grams of protein, and it's packed with healthy fats (omega-3 fatty acids), so it keeps you full for a nice, long time.

Maple and Brown Sugar Oatmeal

You Will Need:
1 cups rolled oats, 166 calories, 6 g protein
1 tbsp wheat germ, 25 calories, 1 1/2 g protein
1 tbsp ground flax, 30 calories, 1 1/2 g protein
2 tbsp brown sugar, 104 calories
1 tbsp maple syrup, 13 calories
4 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
2 cups water 

In a small sauce pan over medium-low heat, combine water, rolled oats, wheat germ, ground flax and salt. Cook, stirring constantly, until oats are soft (about 5 minutes). Reduce heat to low and add cinnamon, brown sugar and maple syrup. Stir, cooking over low heat for another five minutes or until oatmeal has thickened. Serve hot and enjoy!

Note: For cinnamon raisin oatmeal at 114 calories a servings increase cinnamon to 1 tbsp and replace brown sugar and maple syrup with 1/2 cup raisins and 1 tbsp stevia sweetener. Cook as directed.

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